
Critical Reflection

  • How do your products represent social groups or issues? Our product represents social groups and issues by expressing the idea that “only you can change your future”. Many people in the world struggle with the fear of the uncertainty of what is to come, their future. Our film, Wednesday Drive, portrays the idea of a doomed future however as the film continues the audience is able to see that the choices you make can really change the future. With each choice, April, the main character, made she gets closer and closer to getting past her death that seems to happen on that day. You control your destiny with the actions and choices you make.  So you have the ability to alter your future. Many people in this day and age are influenced by social media and allow that to dictate their opinion on themselves and their future. Our film helps portray a sense of self control to dictate your own future. People feel powerless in a world where they feel as if they have no control of their future,

Final Movie Blog

Creating our final movie was a very interesting adventure. Through this journey we ran into many issues however we were able to work together and resolve them. Overall I am happy with what my group came up with and really enjoyed the filming process.  Link to Short Film: Link to Website: Post Card: Front Back

Last Touch Ups

 Last Touch Ups     This was our last day of editing. We had already done a bulk of the editing so this was just for final touch ups. We rewatched the short film many times to ensure was noting was overlooked. From watching many major movies we had all learned the same thing. What we learned was that some huge things get overlooked sometimes. To try our best to prevent this we rewatched our film so many times. In doing so we saw things that we wanted to change. These issues involved transitions and audio. After watching we realized some transitions weren’t as smooth as we originally thought. When we had edited everything we thought it was great but soon realized that it wasn’t as good as we though. After trying some other transitions and how long the cut would be we found a balance. We had to do that about 8 times and after focusing on that we went to the next task at hand. This was to fix the audio. There was a similar issue with audio than there was with the cuts. They were smooth on

Editing Audio

 Editing Audio     Today we edited the audio for our short film. Previously we had already ordered and edited the film clips so now it was time to get into closer detail, specifically audio. We started off by going through each shot and deciding if the audio had to be present or not. Some of the shots were a little to quite so while going through them if their was dialogue that needed to be heard we would turn up the volume for that specific shot. While doing this some were a little difficult to figure out because on the scenes that had dialogue we know we needed the audio but other scenes we couldn’t figure out if the audio would be needed or not. This was difficult to figure out because we didn’t know if the background noise of the scene would seem natural or odd. We decided to figure that out later after we added the background sounds and other sounds. When we went to add the sound for the alarm we had an issue. This issue was that we couldn’t add the music. The only way to add the

Starting Editing

 Starting Editing This was our first day of editing. We decided to use iMovie to edit our film. We chose this because I and my group members all have an apple product that can run iMovie. Since we all have iMovie we would all be able to work on our own devices or at our own home or on a different devise if we don’t have a certain one. Doing this would ultimately make editing more reliable and consistent. We started by transferring all of the clips we wanted to use into iMovie however, we ran into an issue. The clips wouldn’t download even though they were in the camera role. To solve this we attempted to air drop all of the clips to the device we were editing on. After doing that we were able to transfer all the videos into an iMovie project. Once all the video clips transferred we started by ordering the film because they were put into the project into a random order. After ordering the clips we began to edit the clips to their appropriate slide. When filming we believed that it was b

Last Day of Filming

 Last Day of Filming     Today was the last day of filming. Well at least it was our last planned day of filming if we are able to accomplish everything we plan too. The last thing we had left to film was the car crash scenes. We started by setting up the props and setting and the did the beginning car scenes before the crash. In each of the three car crash scenes they first show April driving then he getting in the car crash then aftermath of the car crash. Since for the scene of the aftermath of the car crash required the fake glass and blood we though it would be best to put that on the scene after we’ve already filmed the beginning of the car scenes so we wouldn’t have to constantly be changing set with the props. We shot the first car crash scene but we had to  keep reshooting because I kept laughing. I am the on playing April in our short film and acting does not come easy to me. I kept laughing or sounding weird when I would say something, so that required some retakes and time

Second Day of Filming

 Second Day of Filming Today was the second day of filming. For our second day of filming we had planned to film the car crash scenes. After our first day of filming we realized there was a specific way we were gonna go about filming. Since our film is different then normal short film and involves repeating scenes we would have 2 record each scene in the string of scenes that repeats multiple times. So instead of going in the order of the story board we thought it would be easier to film each groups of scenes when we went out to film. This would be easier because we would already be in the right location, have the right props, have the right costumes, and it would just be better to do. When we went to start filming we ran into some issues. At first everything was going well and we were able to shoot some scenes however weather did not agree with us. As we started filming outside we started to notice you couldn’t hear the audio that well. It was really windy that day so the audio on vid